




The “Heart” and
“Technique” of “Once in a Lifetime”

The history of Japanese cha-no-yu (tea ceremony) dates back to the Nara period, although the original form of wabi-cha was developed during the Muromachi period. Murata Juko, who appeared in the middle of Muromachi period, developed the original form of wabi-cha (Soan-no-cha), which sought tranquility of the soul in aesthetic surroundings, as opposed to the gorgeous cha-no-yu tea ceremony that had conventionally carried out in shoin drawing rooms. After passing through further evolution by Takeno Jōō, Sen no Rikyu refined the simple interaction of “the host pouring tea for the guest to drink” into the ultimate auspicious setting during the Azuchi-Momoyama period.

In the wabi-cha tea ceremony, the concept that every single encounter is never repeated in a lifetime is wholeheartedly embodied by the host and guest. Honed over many years, the concepts of omotenashi (hospitality), furumai (deportment), and shitsurai (arrangements) conceal human physical sensations and inner psychology. In order to recapture the intrinsic nature of wabi-cha with a modern feel, KAI examined what needed to be preserved in the chashitsu, what parts of the tea gathering should be deconstructed, and what should be deviated from in the tea ceremony. As a result, it developed KAI-RO as an expression of the ultimate auspicious setting.


茶室問答 ―「変えないもの」と「変えるもの」




Chashitsu Q&A - “Things to preserve”
and “Things to change”

To delicately and boldly confront the special building that is a tea house, we thoroughly considered what can be proposed within the spatial limitations of the modern age while retaining the basic structure of the traditional chashitsu.

Creating the shape of a new chashitsu began from the work of discerning the roles of the various elements, such as the roji for dusting off earthly affairs, the tsukubai stone washbasin for cleansing one’s soul, the nijiriguchi for entering the austere atmosphere, the koma for seeking conviviality, the irori for providing warmth, and the tokonoma alcove for elaborating the setting, and carefully selecting which items should be changed and which shouldn’t. Then, we examined ways to ensure that guests can fully appreciate the appeal of the chashitsu in a room measuring four and a half tatami mats.

KAI-RO has adopted a two-story structure to ensure that the yoritsuki (entrance room), machiai (waiting room), and chashitsu (tea-ceremony room) do not interfere with each other. Moreover, it has installed a spiral staircase to establish a boundary between spaces without using a garden. There is a hearth of half-mat size on the first floor, while the second floor comprises a fireplace and a tokonoma. By arranging these spaces on different floors, we have devised a new way to enjoy not only the conventional one-direction flow of the chashitsu, but the fun of moving between the spaces.


茶室問答 ―「動かないもの」と「動くもの」





Chashitsu Q&A - “Things to stay”
and “Things to move”

One more characteristic of KAI-RO is that, whereas conventional tea houses were predicated on being immovable, this tea house can freely move anywhere. This doesn’t mean that tea house is equipped with wheels; however, rather than simply being assembled and completed, it can be disassembled so that the parts can be carried to another place and put back together again.

The basic structure including the spiral staircase utilizes assembly technology. As is also deployed in KAI-KI and KAI-SOU, depending on the owner’s taste, pillars can be a combination of different materials such as acryl and wood, while aluminum artistic shelves can also be introduced. Moreover, since this tea house is constructed indoors, the walls are independent interior furnishings that can be easily replaced.

As for the parts, easily obtainable scaffold poles of 10 centimeters in diameter and scaffold boards measuring 24 centimeters across have been adopted. Such parts, which are used by gardeners for pruning tall trees, are reasonably priced. However, effort was made to evoke a sense of texture in KAI-RO worthy of the dignified nature of a tea house.

During the campaign period, this will be a place where various people can gather and enjoy themselves. Whether it be the tea ceremony, flower arranging, writing or linking renga poetry, we hope to stage a variety of events ranging from pop to punk.

Speaker: Shiro Miura Interviewer: Kanako Izumi

語り手 : 三浦史朗  書き手 : 和泉佳奈子

サイズ scale
【1階】 1st floor
床面積 8.2㎡ Floor Area 8.2㎡
2864×2864mm 2864×2864mm
天井高 2351mm Ceiling height 2351mm
【2階】 2nd floor
床面積 8.2㎡ Floor Area 8.2㎡
2864×2864mm 2864×2864mm
天井高 2165mm Ceiling height min:2165mm
【階段】 Stairs
1820×h2821mm 1820×h2821mm
仕様 specification
【柱】 Pillar
桧 足場丸太 Japanese cypress&cedar Scaffold poles
【壁/襖】 Walls/Sliding doors
鳥の子紙/両面張り Torinokogami (a variety of Japanese paper)/Pasted on both sides
【天井】 Ceiling
杉 足場板 t30 Japanese cedar Scaffold Boards t30
【1階、床】 1st floor,floor
杉 足場板 t30 Japanese cedar Scaffold Boards t30
【2階、床】 2nd floor,floor
Tatami mats
金額・納品 Price/delivery
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