


KAI-SOU ioriで「モノがたり」をするとしたら? そう考えたとき、すぐに思いついたものが鉱物でした。鉱物を語るには、博物学からも、神話伝説からも、民間伝承からも、自然学からも、そして鉱物をめぐる思想からも、さまざまなアプローチがあります。


鉱物(あるいは石ともいう)は、生物である人間が、到底かなわない時間と空間を持っています。すべてのものを包み込むような温かみがあります。そこでKAIは、鉱物どうしの会話に耳をかたむけ、とりわけKAI-SOU ioriのなかで対話がはずみそうなものをKAI-SEKIとして選ぶことにしました。

Prick up Your Ears to the Voices of Minerals

What if we were to tell “stories” at KAI-SOU iori? When pondering that question, the first thing that came to mind was minerals. Minerals can be talked about from a variety of approaches, for example, the natural history approach, the myth and legend approach, the folklore approach, the natural studies approach, and the approach of ideas that surround minerals.

Novalis, who was prominent among the German Romantics, composed visions that can also be described as “mineralist” in nature. He is thus an unforgettable figure for KAI, where minerals have a special appeal. Moreover, the French Surrealists who inherited this outlook, compiled various essays on matters related to minerals. Among these, Andre Breton, the founder of Surrealism, compiled his thoughts on minerals into “Language of Stones”. In this, he wrote, “Stones – especially the hard stones – continue to speak to those who seriously lend an ear. The stones have language that corresponds to the measure of each listener. The stones tell the listener what he wants to know through the listener’s knowledge. There are also stones that seem to call out to each other. On getting close up to them, one may even find the stones talking to one another.”

Minerals (also known as stones) are endowed with time and space that can in no way be comprehended by living organisms such as humans. They possess a warmth that seems to envelope all things. On turning an ear to the conversations of minerals, KAI has selected the stones that appear likely to have the liveliest dialogues in KAI-SOU iori. These are KAI-SEKI.


KAI- SEKIに現れた景色

KAI-SEKIに共通している特徴は、プレート状の鉱物の研磨面にランドスケープが立ち上がっていることです。例えば、熱帯の深いジャングルを上空から見た様子。目には見えない空気の層。砂漠のなかの超高層ビル群。 地面から木の芽か出て、木になり林になり森になる自然の営み。池の水草や海藻をガラス越しに見たような景色。満月の夜にみる波打ち際。春を待つ固い蕾の中で起こっているエネルギーの渦。石の上に地衣類が描いた銀色の輪。宇宙を旅する孤独な旅人たちの心の風景など・・・。このようにKAI-SEKIは、私たちの想像力を刺激します。見えない時間や光を感じることができるかもしれません。異星の景色が見えてくるかもしれません。人間の価値観の尺度からも自由になれる瞬間があるかもしれません。


New Landscapes in KAI-SEKI

The common characteristic in KAI-SEKI is the way in which landscapes emerge on the polished surfaces of plate-shaped minerals. For example, one may have an overhead view of a thick tropical jungle. The strata of air that are invisible to the naked eye, or a group of skyscrapers situated in a desert. You can see the workings of nature causing trees to sprout from the ground and become woods and forests. There are views of aquatic plants in a pond and seaweed seen through a window. Water lapping a shore in the light of the full moon. A swirl of energy arising within a tightly packed bud waiting for the arrival of spring; a ring of silver drawn by lichen on a rock; an emotional landscape of a lone traveler moving through the cosmos and many more… In this way, KAI-SEKI stimulates our imaginations. Here, you can sense invisible time and light. You may be able to see views from different planets, or experience moments of liberation from the measure of human values.

Toru Usami of Cazahana, who cooperated in selecting KAI’s minerals, has been enchanted by stones and minerals and collected them from an early age. He describes the appeal of minerals as follows: “As I was gathering my favorite items for my work, ranging from antiques to interior objects, I one day suddenly became interested in the natural beauty of minerals. Here was a world that could not be created by the human hand. When I touch minerals, I realize that the things I feel at this moment are different from what I felt yesterday. I feel that secrets reside in them.” The exciting stories of KAI had already started by the time discussions were held concerning whether or not to include stones found by Mr. Usami in KAI-SEKI.






A New Way of Displaying Minerals

In the same way that the distant horizon frames the universe and makes the Earth’s presence feel even more real, we have devised unique frames to further accentuate the landscapes of KAI-SEKI. In realizing these, we joined forces with a long-established frame maker with long experience of handling frames for landscape paintings. Just as we expected, we discussed ways of honing views out of minerals from the perspective of landscapes. As a result of conducting trial and error regarding methods for showing minerals in a new way, we dared to conceal the mysterious exterior shapes of the minerals and arrived at a unique type of frame that allows the viewer to immediately become immersed in the worlds drawn on the polished faces of the plate-shaped minerals without thinking about the actual size of the stones.

The outer frames are rectangular, however, the inner frames are irregular in shapes enclosed by straight lines corresponding to the outer forms of the minerals. Moreover, to ensure that the beauty of the minerals can be directly touched from anywhere, rather than enclosing in a glass case, the frames are designed so that the minerals can be viewed from the front and behind. The objects may be viewed from any direction as one pleases, such as vertically, horizontally or from above, and the frames can be stood up on a shelf or on the floor. Moreover, with additional touches, frames can be superimposed to become large partitioning screens in the form of mineral samples. The frames are 5 centimeters thick.

Even if you don’t know the names and constituents of minerals, please try to liberate your spirit over the span of thousands or millions of years through KAI-SEKI.

Speaker: Shiro Miura Interviewer: Kanako Izumi

語り手 : 三浦史朗  聞き手 : 和泉佳奈子

回石(小) KAI-SEKI(small)
サイズ:h303×w303×d15mm Size:h303×w303×d15mm
仕様:鉱物、木、アルミ箔 Specifications:Mineral,wood,aluminum foil
金額:¥300,000(税抜) Price:300,000yen(exclusive tax)
回石(大) KAI-SEKI(large)
サイズ:h303×w455×d15mm Size:h303×w455×d15mm
仕様:鉱物、木、アルミ箔 Specifications:Mineral,wood,aluminum foil
金額:¥400,000(税抜) Price:400,000yen(exclusive tax)
All items are single articles.Feel free to inquire about details.